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Jobs posted by Universiteit Twente

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Assistant Professor in Public Administration

Societal transitions as well as contemporary digital transformations in various public policy fields (like healthcare and safety) provide examples of developments that are often presented as solutions to a wide range of current and future societal challenges. These developments raise questions such as: how do societal transitions reshape the public sector? How do digital transformations ignite new forms of public organization? How are societal challenges addressed by public governance actors? Contemporary societal transitions and technological developments ask for insights into the dynamics of public management, public policy, and public governance. As new developments also have unforeseen, unintended, or uncontrollable outcomes, we need insight into how they contribute to inclusive, resilient, and sustainable communities and when they are counterproductive. Are you looking for an inspiring environment that stimulates your teaching and academic research in various areas of public management, policy and governance? Then join our team!

As a newly appointed assistant professor, you will be working in the section of Public Administration at the University of Twente. Besides your excellence as a social scientist, your teaching skills are very important since you will have the opportunity to develop and teach courses in our BSc Management, Society & Technology, the MSc Public Administration and MSc European Studies programs. You will also supervise bachelor, master and PhD theses.

What are you going to do?
You are expected to:

  • develop your research profile, be active in the academic domain of Public Administration, publish in international journals, and disseminate your research at leading conferences;
  • teach Public Administration courses in BSc and MSc programs, including supervision of bachelor and master students;
  • take initiatives to attract external funding;
  • be open to collaborations with other institutes and public agencies and contribute to (joint) projects.

6 applications

23-04-2024 Universiteit Twente
PostDoc position in Human Factors for European Health Data Space

As part of the European project PROTECT-CHILD (PRivacy-prOTecting Environment for Child Transplants health-related and genomic data integration in the European Reference Network), which aims to design an infrastructure for the exchange and use of sensitive health data in compliance with the GDPR and the rules of the European Health Data Space (EHDS), you will be challenged to map the current knowledge of the EHDS, define the needs of key stakeholders and users, define the key requirements and support the development of the key digital infrastructure.

This position will require you to travel regularly across Europe and be actively involved in the key management tasks of a key project WP. You will proactively contribute to and conduct research (in person and remotely), including: state of the art collection, data preparation and analysis, and presentation of results, demonstrating a degree of independence in determining the focus and direction of research. In addition, you will be required to prepare reports and papers describing the results of the research, both confidential and for publication. The appointee will be expected to be actively involved in writing and publishing research papers, particularly those intended for publication in peer-reviewed journals, as a normal part of their role.

Ideally, you are an expert or passionate about requirements engineering methods, stakeholder engagement, and design and evaluation methods to support the design of complex digital systems for data access, management and analysis. You are an expert in human factors (human-computer interaction, psychology, medical systems or patient health records or similar) with a strong focus on user research, UX and evaluation methods. You are an independent and well-organised researcher with experience in writing and publishing scientific articles and reports.

The first major deliverable will be in approximately 12 months. The postdoctoral position is for 28-months (ideally starting early June 2024).

3 applications

23-04-2024 Universiteit Twente
PhD position in Mechanical Alignment Strategies for Photonic Integrated Circuits

A PhD position is available at the chair of Precision Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering Technology of the University of Twente.

We are seeking a highly motivated PhD student to join our team in developing mechanical alignment structures for photonic integrated circuits. Your work will contribute towards efficient chip-to-chip coupling, chip-to-wafer coupling and experimental testing strategies.

You will become part of a team working on the development of various technologies for the alignment and coupling of integrated photonics. In particular, this PhD position is about efficient passive alignment of photonics chips. Your tasks in the project will range from the design of micro-mechanical kinematic couplings, on-chip mechanical features and flexure mechanisms for load application, to the characterization, tuning and experiment measurements of demonstrators. Your responsibilities involve opto-mechanical design of proof-of-principle demonstrators, simulations using advanced finite element and multibody software, and measurements in state-of-the-art laboratories.

This project leverages our expertise in the development of high-accuracy opto-mechatronics and flexure mechanism design. You will work with a consortium of industrial partners and other PhD students in the framework of the National Growth Fund NXTGEN HIGHTECH program. People involved in the project include scientific staff from both the Faculty of Engineering Technology and the Faculty of Science & Technology.

1 application

22-04-2024 Universiteit Twente
Coördinator onderhoud werktuigbouwkundige installaties

Voor de functie “coördinator onderhoud werktuigbouwkundige installaties” zoeken wij een werktuigbouwkundige die op een deskundige en zelfstandige wijze invulling weet te geven aan het voorbereiden, uitvoeren, bewaken en opleveren van diverse, soms complexe, projecten. Ook het mede beheren van onderhoudscontracten op werktuigbouwkundig gebied hoort bij de functie. De coördinator levert voorts een belangrijke bijdrage aan lopende nieuwbouwprojecten.

De werktuigbouwkundige installaties omvatten luchtbehandelingsinstallaties, sanitaire installaties, perslucht-, gasdistributie-, waterbehandeling-, ventilatie-, verwarming- en koelsystemen in kantoorgebouwen, laboratoria, clean rooms, sportfaciliteiten en ICT ruimtes.

Jouw taken betreffen vooral:

  • deelname als adviseur aan projecten binnen de universiteit;
  • het uitvoeren van projecten;
  • het aansturen van de uitvoering van projectwerkzaamheden door derde partijen;
  • het leveren van een bijdrage aan de proces- en productverbetering;
  • het voeren van overleg met opdrachtgevers/gebruikers
  • het mede ontwikkelen en beheren van een meerjaren onderhoudsplan;
  • het actief beheren van een aantal contracten waarbij proces-, kwaliteitsbeheersing en budgetbewaking centraal staan;
  • het aanvragen en beoordelen van offertes;
  • het doen van voorstellen voor aanpassingen en verbeteringen aan installaties en apparatuur en het na overleg laten uitvoeren;
  • het stellen van een diagnose bij complexe storingen;
  • het uitwerken van projectplannen en het vertalen van de werktuigbouwkundige onderhoudsbehoefte van gebouwen in programma’s van eisen;
  • het volgen van nieuwe ontwikkelingen in het vakgebied, wettelijke vereisten etc.

0 applications

22-04-2024 Universiteit Twente